How to tailor integrated risk management


Find the right fit for your business and market


Risk management used to depend on theories and rules alone — but integrated risk management (IRM) goes farther.

IRM combines the enterprise, operational, privacy, business continuity, vendor and other risk management components across an enterprise. It integrates risk management and risk responses, and it can foster a culture of mitigating risks and informing decisions every day.

Our white paper outlines how proactive IRM aligns with 7 considerations, identifies use cases, then tailors and even automates its approach.

When an organization has identified its content, use cases and the digital landscape for reporting and monitoring risk, it can outline the continuous activities that will truly bring effective IRM to life. Automation can help ensure the speed and cadence of these activities, so that they provide proactive information, become integrated in business decisions and ultimately drive true cultural change.

To successfully tailor your integrated risk management, download our IRM white paper today.






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